A meditation given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet following a dictation by Kuthumi published in the 1984 Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 27 No. 58. Feel the vibration of God in your heart. Visualise the threefold flame. The Apostle...
From The Blog
Spiritual topics by the Ascended Masters through their messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Elizabeth Clare Prophet YouTube Channel
Video Lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet Ye Are the Light of the World The Summit Lighthouse is launching the new YouTube Channel introducing people to Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the key elements of the Teachings of...
A Cosmic Interchange
Excerpt from the dictation Rise into Your Godhood by Krishna published in the 2003 Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 46 No. 6. I place my Electronic Presence now over each and every one of you. I show you this Presence in miniature...
Love God in One Another
This excerpt is from the lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet Perfect Love Casts Out Fear delivered November 20, 1980 published in the 2001 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 44 Nos. 6 – 8. We read from the words of our Lord and the...
A New Perception of the I AM Presence Chart
Thought Form of the Sine Wave to the Sun – A New Perception of the Chart of Your Mighty I AM Presence This excerpt from a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet was delivered October 9, 1981 during the conference Sine Wave...
Create the Blueprint for the New Year
For this New Year, not only set a resolution, but create a blueprint for the coming year that includes steps to accomplish your goals by building your own life-changing momentum of an “intense action of the violet...
The Power of Perfect Peace
The Power of Perfect Peace excerpt is from the New Year's dictation by Gautama Buddha given during the The Class of the Archangels conference and published in the 1981 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 24 No. 11. Perfect peace is...
Experiencing the Love of the I AM Presence
This excerpt on the I AM Presence is from the New Year's Eve dictation by El Morya published in the 1986 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 29 No. 80. We desire to make you like us, not for you to become dependent upon us. We...
The Covenant of the Chela
The Covenant of the Chela (Prayer of the Humble Heart to Archangel Michael) Where I am, there is Archangel Michael, the angel of the Lord. And where he is, there is God. Therefore I will put off the shoes of my karma,...
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