
Free Activities & Resources for the Spiritual Seeker

Mark Prophet

Sunday Lectures by Mark L. Prophet

Free Online Broadcasts for Sunday and Everyday Weekly, 24/7

They are for the understanding of life. They speak to your heart, soul and mind. When you hear to Mark’s powerful voice, you sense that he is speaking these teachings from the heart of El Morya and is opening for us the door to El Morya’s heart.

Ascended Master Free Encyclopedia

A wealth of information about the ascended masters, their teachings, metaphysical concepts, and spiritual insights into historical and social issues.

Open Door Online Radio

The Open Door Online Radio

Download and subscribe to Ascended Master teachings in 60-minute podcasts on iTunes. Over 290 shows are archived for listening directly or for MP3 download for later listening on your device. 

Kuan Yin temple

Ascended Master Spiritual Retreats

You can travel to the etheric retreats of the Ascended Masters at night while your body sleeps. Find out how to safely journey there.

Inner Perspectives book cover

Inner Perspectives Podcasts

Elizabeth Clare Prophet answers more than 300 questions about the Teachings of the Ascended Masters on these Inner Perspectives podcasts, originally broadcast on radio KIEV Los Angeles.

See the list of interview questions asked on the Inner Perspectives podcast.

At iTunes

Listen and subscribe to the entire free Inner Perspectives series.

First time user? Download iTunes.


    Raising Creative Children

    Spiritual and Educational Resources for Families including:

        • Parenting and relationship tips and articles
        • Spiritual lessons for children
        • Activities for children and
        • Links to the extended community of websites for children, teens and young adults.
    Archangel Michael

    Angels - Online Videos and Podcast

    Angels is a 13-hour video series with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
    Episodes include:

    • Introduction to Angels
    • Archangel Michael: Angel of Protection
    • Archangel Michael and the Fallen Angels
    • True Stories of Archangel Michael’s Protection
    • The Mighty Seraphim
    • Your Guardian Angel, and
    • Introductions to the seven archangels.
    ePearls of Wisdom

    Get Free Introductory E-Pearls

    The ePearls Introductory Series by El Morya is a free series of 16 Pearls of Wisdom sent by email in PDF format.

    Besides a wide ranging investigation of the spiritual path—they are a transfer of light from the heart of the Ascended Master to your own.

    You can read more about them and sign up for them here.

    The Summit Lighthouse Videos on Vimeo

    Watch or listen to teachings of the ascended masters on Vimeo. Find your way here.

    The Summit Lighthouse Australia