About us
Our Mission & Vision
Our vision and mission is to help connect people to their Higher Self
For over six decades, the Summit Lighthouse has dedicated itself to meeting the spiritual needs of those in pursuit of truth and inner transformation. Here, we share timeless wisdom from spiritual masters across traditions and ages, revealed personally through the marvellous body of work of the highly esteemed spiritual world teachers and authors, Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
Our purpose is to help guide you in unravelling the mysteries of the inner self, gaining a true and practical understanding of the soul and the stages of its journey, and in discerning the personal path that leads to spiritual growth. We address the fundamental questions that reside within us all: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I headed? How do I traverse this path? What purpose fuels my existence? How do I find it?
As you delve into these pages and our publications, you will find answers to fundamental questions you have asked and even those that have sat unspoken in your heart. You’ll encounter profound truths and practical wisdom presented with clarity.
Our reason for being
Mission and purpose
W ithin us resides a divine spark, an eternal flame in the heart. The desire of the soul is to consciously align with this essence, to live authentically and fully, and to ascend towards union with this Divine Being, which is at the heart of who we are.
We teach spiritual tools such as the violet flame and the science of the spoken word—pragmatic methods that can accelerate your spiritual consciousness and progress.
Let us be companions on your sacred adventure, a journey requiring:
- Self-Mastery: The spiritual path of attainment requiring understanding of the psychology of the soul, the anatomy of being, the mastery our thoughts, emotions, and actions, encouraging personal development and spiritual evolution.
- Karma Balancing: While we are in embodiment, the law of karma impacts everything. But we need not be victims of it. Understand this law; learn powerful spiritual scientific practices that transform negative personal and planetary karma through the science of alchemy: the spoken word, violet flame, invocations, and constructive deeds, and beyond.
- Mission Fulfillment: Each person is born for a unique purpose and gift that is theirs alone; a mission that contributes to the collective awakening and upward evolution of humanity. We will not truly rest until we discover and fulfill what it is.
- Ascension: The supreme goal of our life is to fully reunite with our Divine Self, trailing clouds of glory – of a life fully lived. All our embodiments are for the attainment of this moment. Learn the spiritual science and requirement to attaining your ascension.
This is the mighty work of the ages.
Meet the Ascended Masters
Meet the Messengers

Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Annointed (Late) Messenger
As we together write the first chapters of the twenty-first century we are still searching for answers to many questions.
Will the prophecies concerning war, earth changes and plagues come to pass?
Will we find ourselves in chaos as a result of a global economy in flux?
As technology accelerates, will our society become irreparably split into an elite of technological haves and an underclass of technological have-nots?
Will terrorism become even more of a threat?
Will we discover cures for diseases like cancer and AIDS, or will they continue to snuff out promising lives?
The Purpose of Prophecy
Some who claim to read the pages of our future history are prophets of doom and gloom. Others see only the potential for a bright new world.
I believe we must look at the future as realists. I see the handwriting on the wall, but I also see a unique solution to our dilemma that can help us turn the new millennium into a golden age.
We will not be writing on a clean white page as we begin this new era. We will bring with us our past. Every day, in big ways and small, we are reaping the consequences of our past. The new millennium will be no different. The circumstances of our lives will be the result of our past actions – our karma.
Prophecy is, in fact, a sneak preview of the karma that will be returning to our doorstep for resolution. The prophets see where we are headed as a result of events we have set in motion, and they warn us of what’s coming up if we don’t change course.
And therein lies the key.
Prophecy Can Be Averted
Heaven has allowed the prophets a rare glimpse of what the future may hold so that we can transmute our negatives before the handwriting in our book of life becomes an indelible record and we reap the full consequences of our actions.
Simply put, prophecy is mercy.
Prophecy is opportunity.
Prophecy is not set in stone.
While the first decades of the new millennium bring the potential for momentous shifts in consciousness that are both promising and progressive, we may still have to travel over some choppy water to get there.
I firmly believe that in the face of any and all negative predictions, we the people of earth — applying our highest wisdom and our deepest compassion, our material resources and our practical spirituality — can make these prophecies fail.
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet from Prophecy for the New Millennium

Mark Prophet
Mystic and Summit Lighthouse Founder
It’s not often that we find someone who can marry profound spiritual truths to the practicalities of everyday life in a thoroughly understandable and enjoyable way.
Mark Prophet had that gift.
His number one rule: the spiritual quest, though challenging, should be fun.
And number two: we can often find the answers we’re looking for in the most unlikely places.
Mark knew that deep down inside, people are trying to find God – whether they call him the Christ or the Buddha, the Tao or Brahman.
His lifelong goal was to help everyone he met realize more of their spiritual essence. He believed that there is a spark of the divine within each of us and that we can contact that God within.
Spiritual Teacher of The Mystical Path
Even before it was fashionable, Mark was teaching spiritual seekers how to become mystics.
The mystic believes that he can gain direct knowledge of God through subjective experience and intimate communion with the All in all.
Mark himself was a mystic. He was also a pioneer in religious thought.
Raised in the Christian tradition, he later experimented with the teachings of the Eastern adepts and came to a deep appreciation of the unity of all the world’s religions.
The Hindu yogi, the Taoist sage, the Buddhist monk, the Christian mystic – he believed we could learn from them all, and he did.
He was as happy meandering through the sublime passages of the Bhagavad Gita as he was reading about the lives of the Christian saints.
Mark was as comfortable meeting with the Dalai Lama as he was conversing with Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Mark’s Pilgrimage to India
Mark knew that the adepts of the Himalayas had a profound message for him, so he made a pilgrimage to India with sixty devotees to probe the mysteries of each one’s unique transcendental union with God.
Though Mark had spiritual powers from childhood, he sat at the feet of gurus and holy men who practiced the secret traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism.
For more than twenty years Mark dedicated himself to teaching and publishing the spiritual wisdom of the Eastern and Western adepts – the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. He walked with them through the pages of their writings until he became one with them.
And in all of their teachings he detected the single golden thread that creates unity out of diversity: the realization that each of us can experience our own intimate relationship with God.
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