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Title | Author |
9 Cats 9 Lives – Influential People and Their Past Lives | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Access The Power Of Your Higher Self | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Advanced Studies in Understanding Yourself | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Afra: Brother of Light | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Afterlife, The: What Really Happens in the Hereafter | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Alchemy of the Heart: How to Give and Receive More Love | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Answer You’re Looking For Is Inside of You: A Common-Sense Guide to Spiritual Growth, The | Mark L. Prophet |
Archangel Michael: Improve Your Life | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Art of Practical Spirituality: How to Bring More Passion, Creativity, and Balance into Everyday Life, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Buddhic Essence, The: Ten Stages to Becoming a Buddha | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Creative Abundance: Keys to Spiritual and Material Prosperity | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Creative Power Of Sound: Affirmations to Create, Heal and Transform, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Dossier on the Ascension | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Fallen Angels Among Us | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Finding a Higher Love: A Spiritual Guide to Transforming Relationships | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Gift of the Violet Flame: An Easy Way to Teach Spirituality to Your Family, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
How To Work With Angels | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
How to Work with Nature Spirits | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
How to Work with Your Chakras | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Initiations of the Heart | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Inner Perspectives: A Guidebook for the Spiritual Journey | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Karma and Reincarnation: Transcending Your Past, Transforming Your Future | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Keys To The Kingdom: Opening New Dimensions of Being | Mark L. Prophet |
Law of Cycles | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Lords of the Seven Rays: Seven Masters: Their Past Lives and Keys to Our Future | Mark L. Prophet |
Lost Teachings of Jesus, Book 1 | Mark L. Prophet |
Lost Teachings of Jesus, Book 2 | Mark L. Prophet |
Lost Years of Jesus | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Masters and the Spiritual Path, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Masters and Their Retreats | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Messages From Heaven: Amazing Insights on Life After Death, Life’s Purpose and Earth’s Future | Patricia Kirmond |
Mysteries of the Holy Grail: Archangel Gabriel, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Nurturing Your Baby’s Soul: A Spiritual Guide for Expectant Parents | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Path of the Higher Self, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Prayer and Meditation | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Predict Your Future: Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Reincarnation: The Missing Link In Christianity | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Saint Germain Mystery of the Violet Flame | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Saint Germain On Alchemy | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Saint Germain–Master Alchemist: Spiritual Teachings from an Ascended Master | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Science of the Spoken Word, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Soulless One, Cloning a Counterfeit Creation, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Story of Your Soul, The | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Talk with Angels: How to Work with Angels of Light for Guidance, Comfort and Healing | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Understanding Yourself: A Spiritual Approach to Self-Discovery and Soul Awareness | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind & Soul | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |
Your Seven Energy Centers: A Holistic Approach to Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Vitality | Elizabeth Clare Prophet |

The Age of the Divine Mother
Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares her personal experiences with Mother Mary and offers a deeper understanding of the Universal Mother that Mary represents.

Ashram Notes
Have you ever wondered what you could do to become more spiritually alive?Have you ever wondered how you could contact beings of Light who would help you in your spiritual growth?
Have you ever wondered what you could do on a spiritual level to help people, say, in Calcutta or Lima or in the streets of New York?
In Ashram Notes, El Morya tells you how to do all three.
He starts by introducing the Ashram, a worldwide order without membership rolls or dues or formal organization. Its only requirement is devotion. It is composed simply of those who apply the teachings and give the rituals contained in this book.
The benefits of the Ashram are vast. Most importantly, it will help you develop the Inner Light and establish contact with the Eastern Adepts and Ascended Masters.
Read Ashram Notes-and awaken to your potential to be the full reflection of God.